Dr. Jerome Groopman – Facing Illness With Success

Posted on June 22nd, 2022 in Health,Psychology/Psychiatry,Science by Ignacio Ayala

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The Anatomy of Hope: How People Prevail in the Face of Illness

Hope is one of the most fundamental and powerful of human emotions, and also one of the least studied and understood. “The Anatomy of Hope: How People Prevail in the Face of Illness,” by Dr. Jerome Groopman, a Professor of Medicine at Harvard University and a writer for the New Yorker magazine, examines the role hope plays in the practice of medicine, and the ways in which hope can release chemicals powerful enough to change the outcome of otherwise fatal diseases.

Dr. Jerome Groopman recommends “The Old School,” by Tobian Wolff.

Originally Broadcast: February 20, 2004

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