Jack Gantos – “How Prison Affected One Man’s Life”

Posted on December 14th, 2022 in American Society,Law,Prison by Ignacio Ayala

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A Hole In My Life

Have you ever been incarcerated? Locked in a prison cell for a number of years? That is what happened to Jack Gantos for being a crew member on a boat that smuggled a ton of hashish from St. Croix, in the Virgin Islands, to New York City. He survived prison and became a college writing teacher. His book, “A Hole In My Life,” tells the story of what happened the summer of 1971, his court experience, what happened in prison, and how the ordeal changed his life.

Jack Gantos recommends “The Locked Room,” by Paul Oster & “Notice,” by Heather Love.

Originally Broadcast: December 28, 2004

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