Credits and Thanks
Ignacio Ayala is the assistant and post interview producer, and program coordinator; Nancy Madian provides feedback and support; Hanna Vogel and Molly Vogel provide new ideas and perspectives.
Gregg McVicar, producer of Undercurrents Radio, is the technical adviser to whom Radio Curious is very grateful for his advice and patience.
“The Last Cowboy,” written and performed by Peter Elman, is the Radio Curious theme music from his CD “Durango Saloon,” and used by permission.
Other people who have helped to make Radio Curious audible:
Sean Donovan, in 1989 suggested I host an interview program; Michael Reimenschneider who created the original website; and his brother Paul Riemenschneider who followed suit; Jacob Turner, entrepreneur of Ringnebula Systems, who, along with David Josephson, of Santa Cruz, California and Antonio Escobar of El Gastor, Spain, provide information systems and network consulting and administration services in Mendocino County; Christina Aasestad, Janine Lieberman; Hannah Bird, Mary Hooper; Steve Scalmanini; Mathew L. Brady; Ollie Prax-Lodge; Jessica Clark; and Nicholas Mortimer Vogel.