Health Related Interviews --
Jack Cassell, M.D.
Urology, Good and Bad
Better Living Through Urology
Urinary tract diseases and their symptoms can affect all of us, men and women alike, whether we know it or not. Sometimes we don’t know it until it is too late. More people die each year from prostate cancer than from breast cancer or colon cancer. So education and prevention is perhaps our best medicine. Dr. Jack Cassell, a Florida urologist, and author of “Better Living Through Urology: 21st Century Solutions to Age-Old Problems,” discusses care of the urinary tract for men and women and how to avoid discomfort and disease that could be fatal. In this interview we visit with Dr. Cassell from his office Florida and begin with his description of what urine is.
Jack Cassell recommends "Human Sexual Response," by William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson.
Originally Broadcast: February 7, 2006
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President Jimmy Carter
Life After the Presidency
The Virtues of Aging
Considering the alternatives, growing older is really not all that bad. The frame of mind that we develop and carry with us as we age controls much of how we feel and behave. James Earl Carter Jr., more often known as Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the US, is the author of a book called, “The Virtues of Aging.” President Carter’s book covers issues from Social Security and medical expenses to the importance of staying active and involved. I spoke with President Jimmy Carter by phone, in the fall of 1998, and I asked him what prompted him to write the book.
President Jimmy Carter recommends "The Age Wave: How the Most Important Trend of Our Time Can Change Your Future," by Ken Dychtwald.
Originally Broadcast: December 4, 1998
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Dr. Gene D. Cohen
Do We Get Smarter As We Age
The Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging Brain
Do people over a certain age necessarily loose mental acuity? According to Dr. Gene Cohen, the answer is “no.” Dr. Cohen, a psychiatrist and gerontologist has determined that certain genes are activated by experience as we age, allowing our personalities to grow and change. The brain has reserves of strength and agility that compensate for the effects of aging on its other parts. Dr. Cohen has found that the information processing justify in the 60 to 80 year old brain achieves it's greatest density and reach. He explains these and other developing concepts in brain research in his book “The Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging Brain.” I spoke with Dr. Cohen in March 2006 from his office in the justify on Aging, Health & Humanities, in Washington D.C., where he is the director. We began our conversation with his description of the importance of the role of creativity.
Gene Cohen recommends "Tuesdays with Morrie: A Young Man, An Old Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson," by Mitch Albom.
Originally Broadcast: April 18, 2006
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Sanford Elberg, Ph.D.
Microbiology and What It Does for Us
Microbiology, what it is and how it benefits society is the topic of this edition of Radio Curious. Our guest is Dr. Sanford Elberg, a retired professor of microbiology and bacteriology and later the Dean of the Graduate School at the University of California at Berkeley. One of his scientific successes was the development of a vaccine for brucellosis, a disease in farm animals causing the female to abort early in pregnancy. This interview with Professor Elberg, who received a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of California at Berkeley in 1930 was recorded at his home in Mendocino County, California in March 1998. Dr. Elberg begins with a definition of microbiology and bacteriology.
Sanford Elberg recommends “The Plague Tales,” by Ann Benson.
Originally Broadcast: March 30, 2006
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Genetically Modified Food
Genetically engineered food products are an issue that concerns many. In more recent years, Mendocino County has gone so far as to pass a resolution legally prohibiting their growth in the county. My guest in this program, recorded in the late summer of 1995, is Ron Epstein, a philosophy professor at both the Buddhist University in Talmage, CA and San Francisco State University. He has given considerable consideration to the problems of genetic engineering of the plants and vegetables that we eat.
Dr. Ron Epstein recommends "Algeny," by Jeremy Rifkin.
Originally Broadcast: September 18, 1995
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Dr. Ron Epstein
Genetically Modified Food, Part Two
Not so long ago in human history, wars were fought with sticks, slings and rocks. Now, with the ability to modify the DNA of disease causing organisms, war is very different. Evidence is appearing that genetically engineered war has, in fact, been used in our world. With this program, Radio Curious will begin a series of discussions on environmental and social effects of genetically engineered war. This program’s guest is Dr. Ron Epstein, a research professor at the Institute of World Religions in Berkeley, California, and a lecturer in the Philosophy Department at San Francisco State University in San Francisco, California. We discussed the scientific and ethical dangers of genetic engineering.
Dr. Ron Epstein recommends "The Cobra Event," by Richard Preston & "Biotech Century," by Jeremy Rifkin.
Originally Broadcast: September 4, 1998
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Watch What You Eat
Spoiled: The Dangerous Truth About a Food Chain That Has Gone Wild
In this Halloween, 1997, edition of Radio Curious, I spoke with Nicols Fox, the journalist who has written a terribly scary book called “Spoiled: The Dangerous Truth About a Food Chain That Has Gone Wild.” It’s truly disgusting; all those little microbes that will make you retch and die. The food you prepare at home can poison you; when you eat at a restaurant, the food they serve you can make you retch.
Nicols Fox recommends "Water," by Alice Atwater.
Originally Broadcast: October 31, 1997
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Dr. Bill Fry
Psychology of Humor
Our guest in this program was Dr. William Fry, a psychiatrist who has done extensive research in the field of humor. We discussed the psychology and genetics of humor. Much of Dr. Fry's research has concentrated on Cocoa, the gorilla, and we discussed that as well. This program was originally broadcast in March of 1992, when Radio Curious was called Government, Politics and Ideas.
Originally Broadcast: March 2, 1992
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Dr. Dan Gottlieb
A Struggle to Live
Letters to Sam: A Grandfather's Lessons on Love, Loss
and the Gifts of Life
For many of us, the desire to be known exceeds our desire to be loved. Who we are as individuals, how we reckon with our personal abilities and disabilities the topic of this edition of Radio Curious: a conversation with my friend Dr. Dan Gottlieb. Dan Gottlieb, a clinical psychologist who lives and works near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has been paralyzed from the neck down as a result of an automobile accident in 1979. He's the host of “Voices in the Family,” a weekly public radio program originating from WHYY in Philadelphia and the author of two articles a month in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Because of his physical condition, Dan thought he may not live to see his young grandson Sam grow to be man. When Sam was diagnosed with a severe form of autism several years ago, Dan decided to write a series of letters to his grandson. The book, “Letters to Sam: A Grandfather’s Lessons on Love, Loss and the Gifts of Life,” is a collection of intimate and compassionate letters sharing Dan thoughts, observations and experiences gained from his 27 years with quadriplegia and his professional life as a clinical psychologist. You may learn more about Dan and his work at Dr. Dan Gottlieb and I visited by phone from his home in near Philadelphia in mid April 2006.
Dr. Dan Gottlieb recommends “Eat, Pray and Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything, Across Italy, India and Indonesia,” by Elizabeth Gilbert and "Life of Pi,” by Yann Martel.
Originally Broadcast: April 12, 2006
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Dr. Jerome Groopman
Facing Illness With Success
The Anatomy of Hope: How People Prevail in the Face of Illness
Hope is one of the most fundamental and powerful of human emotions, and also one of the least studied and understood. “The Anatomy of Hope: How People Prevail in the Face of Illness,” by Dr. Jerome Groopman, a Professor of Medicine at Harvard University and a writer for the New Yorker magazine, examines the role hope plays in the practice of medicine, and the ways in which hope can release chemicals powerful enough to change the outcome of otherwise fatal diseases.
Dr. Jerome Groopman recommends "The Old School," by Tobian Wolff.
Originally Broadcast: February 20, 2004
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Michael Gurian
Let Boys Be Boys
The Wonder of Boys & A Fine Young Man
Boys do not have an easy time growing up and maturing in our complex world these days. The same standard of behavior is frequently expected of boys and girls, often without recognizing the special and different needs of boys. Testosterone is a prime mover in the shaping of boys' behavior resulting in their special and different needs. This is a two-part program from the archives of Radio Curious with Michael Gurian, the author of a 1997 book entitled, “The Wonder of Boys: What Parents, Mentors and Educators Can Do To Shape Boys Into Exceptional Men.” I spoke with Michael Gurian in January of 1998 from his home in Spokane, Washington.
Michael Gurian recommends "Sex on the Brain," by Deborah Blum & "Beyond the Birds and the Bees," Beverly Engle.
Originally Broadcast: January 23, 1998 & January 30, 1998
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Click here to begin listening to Part Two.
Michael Gurian
A Look at The Wonder of Boys, Ten Years Later
The Wonder of Boys, 10th Anniversary Edition
We explored the difficulties that boys have growing in American society ten years in a two part interview with Michael Gurian, author of “The Wonder of Boys: What Parents, Mentors and Educators can do to Shape Boys into Exceptional Men.” A tenth anniversary edition of “The Wonder of Boys” was released in 2006, and I spoke with Michael Gurian about his ideas and thoughts of what has occurred in the past ten years in relation to boys. The trend setting pressures of commercial advertising control the content distributed to boys and often are able to overwhelm the job of the parents to nurture to social development of children. In this interview with Michael Gurian who lives in Spokane Washington and recorded in mid-October 2006, we discuss the effects of media on the developing boy; content of what boys listen to when they have earphones on; the substitution of what comes from the earphones for what a boy would get in a relationship with parents, grandparents, or other meaningful people in a boys life.
Michael Gurian recommends “The Collected Poems of Mary Oliver” by Mary Oliver..
Originally Broadcast: October 10, 2006
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Jonathan Harr
Toxic Water, A Book
A Civil Action
Woburn, MA, is a small, blue-collar community just north and west of Boston. In the 1970s, some children in Woburn, MA, became sick and died from childhood leukemia. Some adults in that town developed rare forms of cancer. All of these people live very close to each other. Their illnesses were traced to two contaminated water wells that provided the water to their homes for drinking and bathing. As a result, one of the most complicated personal injury lawsuits was tried in the US Federal District Court in Boston. In this program of Radio Curious, I spoke with author Jonathan Harr, who wrote “A Civil Action,” the horrendous story of the people who became sick and the subsequent trial.
Jonathan Harr recommends any books by Charles Dickens.
Originally Broadcast: November 22, 1995
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Jonathan Harr
Toxic Water, A Movie
A Civil Action
Water, a necessary element to our survival is expected to be pure, safe and clean when it comes into our home. When it is polluted, the results can be extreme. The people in the town of Woburn, Massachusetts, just west of Boston, had an unusually high rate of cancer in the early 1970s. The town’s water was contaminated with industrial pollutants. Several children and adults became very sick and some died. Their families sued the polluters in the U.S. Federal Court. Jonathan Harr, a non-fiction writer, followed the process and wrote a book telling the story of what happened. He called it, "A Civil Action." A movie, also called “A Civil Action,” was based on the book and released at the end of 1998. I spoke by phone with Jonathan Harr, from his home in Massachusetts, a month after the movie was released and asked him how he was able to capture what occurred and create “A Civil Action.”
Originally Broadcast: February 2, 1999
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Holly Hollenbeck
Sex Lives of Wives
Sex Lives of Wives: Reigniting the Passion, True Confessions and Provocative Advise from Real Women
How to ignite sexual passion from a woman’s perspective is the topic of this edition of Radio Curious as we talk with Holly Hollenbeck, a former attorney from Omaha, Nebraska. Holly Hollenbeck is the author of “Sex Lives of Wives, Reigniting the Passion, True Confessions and Provocative Advice from Real Women.” She says her book is not so much directed at how to please your mate, but how to please yourself by pleasing your mate. Take a look at, her website devoted to helping women find passion and inspiration in their long-term relationships. I spoke with Holly Hollenbeck from her home in Nebraska in mid September 2006, and asked her to describe what motivated to write “Sex Lives of Wives.”
Holly Hollenbeck recommends "Adults Only Travel: The Ultimate Guide to Romantic and Erotic Destination," by David West and Louis James.
Originally Broadcast: September 20, 2006
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Dr. Arthur Janov
Dr. France Janov
Emotional Healing by Examining Initial Imprints
Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve you Health
The alleviation of human angst and emotional pain or distress is the goal of psychotherapy. Dr. Arthur Janov, together with his wife Dr. France Janov believe that the traditional century old method of talk therapy is not the answer. Together they direct the Primal Center in Venice, California, and Dr. Arthur Janov, who wrote “The Primal Scream” in the late 1960s, is the author of “Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health.” The Janovs assert that the best emotional healing is obtained by reaching back to the point of injury that formed an initial imprint of the pain, which often occurs in the womb or in early childhood. They believe that accessing these subconscious memories is necessary for improved physical and emotional health. We began our conversation with Dr. France Janov and Dr. Arthur Janov, recorded in mid-December 2006, from their home in Santa Monica, California when I asked them to explain how initial imprints in a person’s life can be the cause of lifelong pain.
Dr. Arthur Janov recommends "Hostile Takeover: How big Money and Curruption Conquered Our Government and How We Can Take It Back," by David Sirota.
Originally Broadcast: December 20, 2006
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Glenn Langer
Enhancing Education and Heart Disease
Understanding Disease, How Your Heart, Lungs, Blood, and Blood Vessels Function and Respond to Treatment
In this two-part series with Dr. Glenn Langer, former Professor of Medicine, specializing in Cardiology, at UCLA we discuss the Partnership Scholars Program and heart disease. In the first interview Dr. Langer describes the Partnership Scholars Program and how attention and exposure to new ideas can create a whole new world for children, whose life experiences might otherwise be forever limited. In the second program, we discuss folklore, literature, psychology as they relate to cardiology and the heart. Dr. Langer is the author of “Understanding Disease, How Your Heart, Lungs, Blood, and Blood Vessels Function and Respond to Treatment,” a book attempting to demystify medicine. Both parts of this program were originally broadcast in October of 2000.
Glenn Langer recommends “Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea,” by Gary Kinder and “Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Biography,” by Marion Meade.
Originally Broadcast: October 24, 2000 and October 31, 2000
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Click here to begin listening to part two.
Marc Lappe
Roadside Spraying, For Better or Worse
Break Out
Spraying of herbicides to kill weeds and/or plants that are considered by some to be pests is a phenomenon of the 20th century. These sprays, in many cases, pollute the water we use in our homes; they destroy and sometimes permanently alter not only the growth cycle of what we are intending to kill, but also other plants, animals, and sometimes people. Dr. Marc Lappe was a widely recognized Ph.D. toxicologist who has studied the effects of the use of the sprays. He was the founder and a director of The justify for Ethics and Toxics, located in Gualala, California. He was also the former director of the California State Hazard Evaluation System. He’s been a fellow at the Hastings justify for the Study of Bioethics in New York, published 112 articles and eleven books on the subject of toxicology. Dr. Marc Lappe died in May, 2005.
Marc Lappe recommends "Break Out, " by Dr. Marc Lappe.
Originally Broadcast: February 5, 1997
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Dr. Steven Miles
A Blind Eye to Torture
Oath Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity, and the War on Terror
The silence of doctors, nurses and medics during the physical abuse of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan and the information provided by physicians and psychologists to determine how much and what kind of mistreatment could be delivered to prisoners during interrogation is the topic of this edition of Radio Curious. Our guest is Dr. Steven Miles is the author of “Oath Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity and the War On Terror,” a book based in part on eyewitness accounts of actual victims of prison abuse and more than thirty-five thousand pages of documents, autopsy reports and medical records. Dr. Miles is a professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School and its justify for Bioethics. He is a recognized expert in medical ethics, human rights and international health care. This interview with Dr. Steven Miles was recorded in mid-July 2006 from his office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We begin when I asked him about his motivation to write a book about the treatment people who are disarmed and imprisoned.
Steven Dr. Miles recommends “Bury The Chains: Profits and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire’s Slaves,” by Adam Hochchild.
Originally Broadcast: July 20, 2006
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Sherwin Nuland
What Is It About Our Species That Allows Us to Learn So Much About Ourselves
The Wisdom of the Body
From developmental perspectives, both in individuals and in mankind as a whole, the brain, language, and civilization have separated our species from the rest of the animal kingdom. In May of 1997, I discussed these issues with Sherwin Nuland, a professor of Medical History at Yale University Medical School and author of many books, including Wisdom of the Body.
Sherwin Nuland recommends “The Meaning of Yiddish,” by Benjamin Harshav.
Originally Broadcast: May 21, 1997
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Healthy Men
The Harvard Medical School Guide to Men’s Health
Dr. Harvey B. Simon is the author of “The Harvard Medical School Guide to Men’s Health” and the founding editor of the Harvard Men’s Health Watch newsletter. His book discusses a multitude of health issues that are unique to men and some are common to women as well.
Dr. Harvey Simon recommends "An Equal Music," by Vikram Seth.
Originally Broadcast: December 31, 2002
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Blood: A History
Blood, an Epic History of Medicine and Commerce
Human blood has been compared historically and sociologically to a river that defines human society over the millennia. That river has been charted in a recent book and television series entitled, “Blood, an Epic History of Medicine and Commerce,” by Douglas Starr. This work traces the history of blood in medical, political and economic terms, from the earliest days of bloodletting to the era of AIDS.
Douglas Starr recommends "Instance of the Finger Post," by Ian Beers.
Originally Broadcast: September 14, 2002
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David Wexler, Ph.D.
Depression in Men
Is He Depressed or What? What to Do When the Man You Love is Irritable, Moody, and Withdrawn
Depression often sets off different behaviors, sometimes recognized by others and not by the depressed person. Depression in men is the topic of this edition of Radio Curious, as we talk with David B. Wexler, Ph.D, who is the author of “Is He Depressed or What? What to Do When the Man you Love is Irritable, Moody and Withdrawn.” Dr. Wexler, a clinical psychologist, discusses how to recognize when you or someone you love is depressed, how to talk about in respectful and successful ways, while taking care of yourself. When I spoke with Dr. Wexler from his home in San Diego, California, we began by discussing different categories of depression and how the symptoms of depression in men are different from depression in women.
David Wexler, Ph.D. recommends "Dharma Punx," by Noah Levine.
Originally Broadcast: March 14, 2006
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Peter C. Whybrow
The Conflict Between Our Biological Heritage and the Speed of Our Lives
American Mania, When More is Not Enough
Not so long ago before the common use of devices operated by electricity our lives were generally much more calm. And as humans we have a biological a heritage of being are curiosity driver, reward seeking and harm avoiding creatures. The conflict that has evolved between our biological heritage and the demand driven economy in the United States is the essence of a book entitled “American Mania, When More is Not Enough.” Dr. Peter C. Whybrow, author of “American Mania” is our guest on this edition of Radio Curious. He is a professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral science, and director of the Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California at Los Angeles. In this interview, recorded mid-February 2005, Dr. Whybrow discusses this conflict, and its consequences.
Peter C. Whybrow recommends “In Praise of Slowness,” by Carl Honore.
Originally Broadcast: February 12, 2005
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