Relationship Related Interviews --
Christina Baldwin
Creating Community through Stories
Storycatcher: Making Sense of Our Lives though the Power and Practice of Story
Story, the heart of language. Story moves us to love and hate and can motivate us to change the whole course of our life. Story can lift us beyond the borders of our individuality to imagine realities of other people, times and places, to empathize with other beings, and to extend our supposing far into the universe. Storytelling, both oral and written is the foundation of being human. In this edition of Radio Curious we visit with Christina Baldwin, author of "Storycatcher: Making Sense of Our Lives though the Power and Practice of Story." This is being done in Ukiah, California, with the idea of capturing "what is the story of Ukiah," as a part of "what is the story of Mendocino County, California," to be used in the development of the Ukiah Area Plan that is now under consideration by the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors.
Christina Baldwin recommends "Turning To One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Our Hope for the Future," by Margaret J. Wheatley.
Originally Broadcast: April 17, 2006
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Benjamin Barber
Don't Buy It!
Consumed: How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults, and Swallow Citizens Whole
When we purchase and consume what we believe is necessary for our individual lives, do we obtain what we need or do we end up with what the forces of 21st century capitalism tell us we need? In this edition of Radio Curious we visit with Benjamin Barber, author of “Consumed, How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults, and Swallow Citizens Whole.” The concepts of dumbing down the consumer and the development of brand devotion in the early years of a person’s life are, among many other considerations, explored in this book. I spoke with Benjamin Barber from his home in New York City in early April 2007 and began our conversation by asking him to discuss how consumers are infantilized and targeted in way that there will never be enough shoppers.
Benjamin Barber recommends “The March,” by E.L. Doctorow..
Originally Broadcast: April 11, 2007
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Mary Catherine Bateson
Do We Really Know the People Around Us?
Full Circles, Overlapping Lives (Culture and Generation in Transition)
Do we really know the people around us? Our children? Our family? Our friends? Or are we strangers in our own community? Mary Catherine Bateson, the author of a book entitled, “Full Circles: Overlapping Lives, Culture and Generation in Transistion,” believes that we are strangers. She describes us as immigrants in time, rather than space.In this interview from the archives of Radio Curious, recorded in April 2000, we visit with Mary Catherine Bateson, the daughter of two distinguished anthropologists, Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson.
Mary Catherine Bateson recommends "Ithaca."
Originally Broadcast: April 17, 2000
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Amy Bloom
Love as Creator
Love Invents Us
Amy Bloom is a Connecticut-based author and psychotherapist and the author of a novel entitled “Love Invents Us.” This book, the enactment of psychological theory about human behavior, also traces the intimate details in the life of Elizabeth Howe from her childhood to middle age. I spoke with Amy Bloom by phone while she was on tour to discuss ‘Love Invents Us” and asked her, “how does love invent us?”
Amy Bloom recommends "Seeing Calvin Coolidge in a Dream," by John Derbyshire.
Originally Broadcast: February 12, 1997
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The Science of Affection
Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and the Science of Affection
In an unknown and dilapidated laboratory on the University of Wisconsin campus in the 1950s and 1960s, a brilliant, alcoholic, work-obsessed psychologist conducted research on love, a pursuit that was previously ignored and considered unworthy of scientific study. “Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and the Science of Affection,” written by journalist Deborah Blum, is the story of how Professor Harry Harlow, one of the most important and controversial psychologists of the 20th century, altered our understanding of love.
Deborah Blum recommends "The Life of Pi," by Yan Martel.
Originally Broadcast: July 15, 2003
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Nicolas Bothman
Get Along Well
How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less
Making people like you is a skill that anybody can learn. By reading body language and synchronizing behavior, it is possible to make meaningful connections with almost anybody in almost any circumstance. We appreciate and like people similar to ourselves, people we understand and people who are open. “How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less” is the title of a book by Nicholas Bothman, a neurolinguistic practitioner who lives in Toronto, Canada.
Nicolas Bothman recommends "Love in the Town of Cholera," & "One Hundred Years of Solitude," both by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Originally Broadcast: January 2, 2001
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A Man Becomes a Woman
She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders
“She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders,” by Jennifer Finney Boylan, is a book about a man who became a woman. For as long as he could remember, James Boylan felt he was in the wrong body. Spending his childhood playing ‘Girl Planet’ (where the air turned anyone who breathed into a girl) and in adolescent and young adult years dressing up in women’s clothing, James was convinced that the only thing that could save him was the love of the right woman. When he fell in love and got married, he threw out the women’s clothes and pledged his life to manhood. But being a loving husband, a responsible father, a respected professor, and an acclaimed writer couldn’t stop the feeling that he was, despite physical evidence to the contrary, a woman. With the unfailing support of his family, friends and several doctors, James became Jenny.
Jennifer Finney Boylan recommends "Huckleberry Finn," by Mark Twain.
Originally Broadcast: September 30, 2003
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Zana Briski
Ross Kauffman
Brothels of Calcutta, India
Born Into Brothels
"Born into Brothels" received the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2005. A tribute to the resiliency of childhood and the restorative power of art, "Born into Brothels" is a portrait of several unforgettable children who live in the red light district of Calcutta, where their mothers work as prostitutes. The most stigmatized people in Calcutta's red light district however are not the prostitutes, but their children. In the face of abject poverty, abuse, and despair, these kids have little possibility of escaping their mother's fate or for creating another type of life. In "Born into Brothels," directors Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman chronicle the amazing transformation of the children they come to know in the red light district. Briski, a professional photographer, gives them lessons and cameras, igniting latent sparks of artistic genius that reside in these children who live in the most sordid and seemingly hopeless world. The photographs taken by the children are not merely examples of remarkable observation and talent; they reflect something much larger, morally encouraging, and even politically volatile: art as an immensely liberating and empowering force. Devoid of sentimentality, "Born into Brothels" defies the typical tear-stained tourist snapshot of the global underbelly. Briski spends years with these kids and becomes part of their lives. Their photographs are prisms into their souls, rather than anthropological curiosities or primitive imagery, and a true testimony of the power of the indelible creative spirit. You can learn about this film and Kids with Cameras at I spoke with Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman on February 2005. Beginning the conversation first with Zana Briski, I asked her to explain what drew her to India before the concept of Kids with Cameras was even a dream.
Zana Briski recommends "Secret Life of Bees," by Sue Monk Kidd.
Originally Broadcast: March 15, 2007
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Peggy Bulger
The Story Corps
The American Folklife Preservation Act of 1976 directed the Library of Congress to gather stories and art of everyday people to reflect the identity of America, which is recognized as the core of family and community life. The thought is that by linking us to the past we are better able to develop our understanding of the present. The Story Corps is a current project of the American Folklife justify of the Library of Congress. Two air stream trailers, retrofitted with state of the art recording equipment, will visit towns and cities throughout the United States for about a year beginning in June 2005, to collect recordings of every day people interviewing each other about their lives. Anyone will be welcome to visit the Story Corps trailer that may be near where you live, by signing up on line at Each participant receives a copy of the interview, and may donate a copy to the Library of Congress. This interview with Dr. Peggy Bulger, the Director of the American Folklife justify at the Library of Congress was recorded in her office at the Library of Congress on May 20, 2005. She began by reviewing the history of the American Folklife justify and the purpose of Story Corps project. You can locate the Story Corps on the internet at, and the Library of Congress at and
Peggy Bulger recommends "Ireland, A Novel" by Frank Delaney.
Originally Broadcast: May 31, 2005
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Jack Cassell, M.D.
Urology, Good and Bad
Better Living Through Urology
Urinary tract diseases and their symptoms can affect all of us, men and women alike, whether we know it or not. Sometimes we don’t know it until it is too late. More people die each year from prostate cancer than from breast cancer or colon cancer. So education and prevention is perhaps our best medicine. Dr. Jack Cassell, a Florida urologist, and author of “Better Living Through Urology: 21st Century Solutions to Age-Old Problems,” discusses care of the urinary tract for men and women and how to avoid discomfort and disease that could be fatal. In this interview we visit with Dr. Cassell from his office Florida and begin with his description of what urine is.
Jack Cassell recommends "Human Sexual Response," by William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson.
Originally Broadcast: February 7, 2006
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Abha Dawesar
Babyji, A Story of Physics, Sex and Caste Politics in India
Anamika Sharma, the lead character in the novel Babyji, by Abha Dewasar grows up in Delhi, India, studying quantum physics at school and sex out of school. The story follows the life of a girl who sets her own rules in a culture that historically demands the opposite. Our conversation begins with the author Abha Dewasar describing India, the place where she grew up, and where the life of Anamika takes place.
Abha Dawesar recommends "Purple Hibiscus," by Chimamanda Ngozi Ardiche.
Originally Broadcast: February 24, 2005
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Saul Diskin
Identical Twins
The End of the Twins, a Memoir of Losing a Brother
Ever wondered what it would be like to have an identical twin—how alike would you be to that person? How much of an individual would you be? Saul Diskin and his identical twin brother Marty grew up together in New York City where Saul and Marty were inseparable. As adults, they began to live separate lives, Saul in Phoenix and Marty near Boston. In 1991, Marty, who had suffered from leukemia for 20 years, needed a bone marrow transplant, which he received from Saul. In his extraordinarily intimate book, “The End of the Twins, a Memoir of Losing a Brother,” Saul Diskin chronicles the rich relationship beginning with their early childhood and ending well past Marty’s death in 1997, shortly before their 63rd birthday.
Saul Diskin recommends “Entwined Lives,” by Nancy Segal and “Cosmology and Creation: The Spiritual Significance of Contemporary Cosmology” by Paul Brockelman.
Originally Broadcast: September 22, 2001
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Emily Dickinson & Wendy Norris
Hiding in Her Own House
Emily Dickinson, better known now than she was then, was known well for her phrases which sang out in a multitude of forms, meters and styles. Her words presented her innermost feelings and thoughts. A passionate and witty woman, she made a craft and an art of her words and her life. I met with Emily Dickinson, in the person of actress Wendy Norris, in the parlor of the Dickinson family home, magically carried from Amherst, MA, to the stage of the Willits Community Theater, in Willits, CA, where the belle of Amherst told her story.
Originally Broadcast: December 5, 1997
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Meet the Author of the Vagina Monologues
The Vagina Monologues
The Vagina Monologues, created and produced by Eve Ensler, tell the stories of women, their relationships, feelings, and, in some cases, abuse. In this edition of Radio Curious, we spoke with Eve Ensler about the origin of the the Vagina Monologues and the film, “Until the Violence Ends.”
Eve Ensler recommends "Bush in Babylon," by Tariq Ali.
Originally Broadcast: January 27, 2004
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Reflections on a Life
The Mirror
The personal journal is often not meant for the eyes of anyone but the writer. When a stranger’s journal is read, the reader often becomes a voyeur to the innermost secrets of another. And whether it is a true journal or one of fiction, who cares? Often, it remains a good story. Lynn Freed, originally of Durban, South Africa, wrote the fictional journal of Agnes LaGrange, entitled “The Mirror,” which reveals the thoughts, feelings, and loves of Agnes, starting when she arrived in South Africa to work as a housekeeper, and ending 50 years later.
Lynn Freed recommends “Misfit,” by Jonathan Yardly, “Essays,” by George Orwell & “Last Days in Cloud Cukooland Dispatches,” by Graham Boynton.
Originally Broadcast: December 12, 1997
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Kristen Gardiner
Report on Lori Berenson
Lori Berenson is a 35-year-old woman from New York who has been in prison in Peru since 1996 for allegedly conspiring with Peruvian revolutionaries, known as MRTA, (Movimiento Revoluncionario Tupac Amaru). Lori Berenson was twice convicted in Peru, first by judges who shrouded themselves in hoods, and then again in a slightly more open proceeding. Her second trial still lacked adequate due process rights, as unanimously determined by the Costa Rica based Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. However, in a subsequent decision on appeal, handed down in December 2004, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, also based in Costa Rica, affirmed Lori’s 20-year prison sentence. In this program, Kristen Gardner, a friend and supporter of Lori Berenson since they first met at students in Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983, discusses Lori, the person she is, and her case.
Kristen Gardiner recommends "Hope in the Dark," by Rebecca Solnit.
Originally Broadcast: January 25, 2005
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Richard Gardiner
The Mix of Psychiatry and the Psyche
This program is a two-part series with Dr. Richard Gardner, a practicing psychiatrist in Ukiah, California. We discuss what do psychiatrist do, and what don’t psychiatrist do? What is the psyche? What is crazy? What are the causes of mental dysfunction? What medicines were available to assist people with mental health problems, and other resources that were available in 1997 when this program was recorded.
Richard Gardiner recommends “How Good People Make Tough Choices,” by Rushworth M. Kidder and “The Cider House Rules,” by John Irving.
Originally Broadcast: September 30, 1997 October 3, 1997
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Paul Goldstein
The Artist's Right of Ownership
Errors and Omissions
Who owns the rights to a play, a song, or a work of art? How important and fragile is the authorship? These and other issues of intellectual property rights begin to be revealed in “Errors and Omissions,” a novel by Stanford Law Professor Paul Goldstein. “Errors and Omissions” follows the story of Michael Seeley as he locates a World War Two era Polish refugee who is the author of a screenplay that has the potential to make a huge amount of money not only from the movie rights, but also from the sale of associated paraphernalia. Goldstein, who began writing fiction at the age of twelve, hopes now, fifty years later that readers of his first full length novel will carry away the sense of the fragility of authorship, when an artist creates a work out of thin air. I spoke with Paul Goldstein from his office at Stanford University and began when by asking him to define intellectual property.
Paul Goldstein recommends "Aspects of the Novel," by E.M. Forster.
Originally Broadcast: August 9, 2006
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Dr. Dan Gottlieb
A Struggle to Live
Letters to Sam: A Grandfather’s Lessons on Love, Loss and the Gifts of Life
For many of us, the desire to be known exceeds our desire to be loved. Who we are as individuals, how we reckon with our personal abilities and disabilities the topic of this edition of Radio Curious: a conversation with my friend Dr. Dan Gottlieb. Dan Gottlieb, a clinical psychologist who lives and works near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has been paralyzed from the neck down as a result of an automobile accident in 1979. He's the host of “Voices in the Family,” a weekly public radio program originating from WHYY in Philadelphia and the author of two articles a month in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Because of his physical condition, Dan thought he may not live to see his young grandson Sam grow to be man. When Sam was diagnosed with a severe form of autism several years ago, Dan decided to write a series of letters to his grandson. The book, “Letters to Sam: A Grandfather’s Lessons on Love, Loss and the Gifts of Life,” is a collection of intimate and compassionate letters sharing Dan thoughts, observations and experiences gained from his 27 years with quadriplegia and his professional life as a clinical psychologist. You may learn more about Dan and his work at Dr. Dan Gottlieb and I visited by phone from his home in near Philadelphia in mid April 2006.
Dr. Dan Gottlieb recommends “Eat, Pray and Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything, Across Italy, India and Indonesia,” by Elizabeth Gilbert and "Life of Pi,” by Yann Martel.
Originally Broadcast: April 12, 2006
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Temple Grandin, Ph.D.
What Autism Can Tell Us About Animals
Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior
Do animals think? The book, “Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior,” by Professor Temple Grandin gives us some clues. Temple Grandin is a person with autism who teaches animal science at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Autistic people can often think the way animals think, putting autistic people in the perfect position to translate “animal talk.” Grandin explores the world of animals; their pain, fear, aggression, relationships and communication. When I spoke with Professor Grandin from her office in Ft. Collins, Colorado, we began with her definition of autism.
Temple Grandin recommends “Our Inner Ape,” by Frans De Waal.
Recorded March 21, 2006
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Shari Holman
Not Even the Clothes on Her Back
The Dress Lodger
In England, in the 1830s, at the time of a major cholera epidemic, a young girl, the orphaned daughter of a prostitute, finds that working in a pottery factory does not earn her enough money for herself and her child. She must work at night like her mother, as a prostitute. Having virtually no money, she rents her dress, and is followed while she walks the streets so that she will not run off with her outfit. She is called a dress lodger. Shari Holman, a native of rural Virginia, and later a resident of Brooklyn, New York, has researched the lives of girls who were dress lodgers in England in the 1830s. She is the author of a book of historical fiction about Gustine, a 15-year-old dress lodger who lived and worked in Sunderland, England in 1831, entitled “The Dress Lodger.”
Shari Holman recommends "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down," by Anne Fadiman.
Originally Broadcast: February 6, 2001
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Dr. Arthur Janov
Dr. France Janov
Emotional Healing by Examining Initial Imprints
Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve you Health
The alleviation of human angst and emotional pain or distress is the goal of psychotherapy. Dr. Arthur Janov, together with his wife Dr. France Janov believe that the traditional century old method of talk therapy is not the answer. Together they direct the Primal Center in Venice, California, and Dr. Arthur Janov, who wrote “The Primal Scream” in the late 1960s, is the author of “Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health.” The Janovs assert that the best emotional healing is obtained by reaching back to the point of injury that formed an initial imprint of the pain, which often occurs in the womb or in early childhood. They believe that accessing these subconscious memories is necessary for improved physical and emotional health. We began our conversation with Dr. France Janov and Dr. Arthur Janov, recorded in mid-December 2006, from their home in Santa Monica, California when I asked them to explain how initial imprints in a person’s life can be the cause of lifelong pain.
Dr. Arthur Janov recommends "Hostile Takeover: How big Money and Curruption Conquered Our Government and How We Can Take It Back," by David Sirota.
Originally Broadcast: December 20, 2006
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When People Can't Be Who They Are
Passing: When People Can’t Be Who They Are
“Passing: When People Can’t Be Who They Are,” was written by Brooke Kroeger, an Associate Professor of Journalism at New York University. Her book reveals why many ‘passers’ today are people of good heart and purpose whose decision to pass is an attempt to bypass injustice and to be more truly themselves.
Brooke Kroeger recommends "Middlesex," Jeffrey Eugendies, "Amerca's Women," by Gail Collings & "They Marched Intro Sunlight," by David Marinis.
Originally Broadcast: February 17, 2004
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Suzanne Braun Levine
What Will She Do Next?
Inventing the Rest of Our Lives: Women in Second Adulthood
Recent research of how the human brain works seems to indicate that at midlife women start to see the world differently. Approximately 37 million American women now entering their fifties and sixties having fulfilled the prescribed roles of daughter, wife, mother, employee and are not ready to retire. They want to experience more. Suzanne Braun Levine, our guest in this edition of Radio Curious has been reporting on the lives of women like herself and is the author of “Inventing the Rest of Our Lives: Women in Second Adulthood." She begins by discussing recent brain research and anthropological findings relative to women in their fifties and sixties.
Suzanne Braun Levine recommends "Never Have Your Dog Stuffed: And Other Things I’ve Learned," by Alan Alda.
Originally Broadcast: March 7, 2006
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Eunice Lipton
Seduced by France
French Seduction: An American’s Encounter with France, Her Father, and the Holocaust.
In a passionate blend of autobiography and cultural history, love, sex and art collide with hatred, withering French xenophobia and death, author Eunice Lipton, our guest in this edition of Radio Curious, describes her book “French Seduction: An American’s Encounter with France, Her Father, and the Holocaust.” Lipton, who lives in Paris and New York received her Ph.D. in art history at New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts. I spoke with her from her home in New York City the last week of March 2007 and asked her to tell us about her friends who she calls art since she describes paintings as her favorite companions.
Eunice Lipton recommends “The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion,” by Ford Madox Ford..
Originally Broadcast: March 28, 2007
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Eric Liu
The Benefits of Mentoring
Guiding Lights: The People Who Lead Us Toward Our Purpose in Life
Every one of us, in every social role that we play, is a teacher and a mentor. Who has influenced us, and how we pass that influence along is a question that goes to the heart of both learning and mentoring. The concepts of mentoring are set out in the book “Guiding Lights: The People Who Lead Us Toward Our Purpose in Life,” by Eric Liu. In this interview, recorded n February 2005, Eric Liu discusses his experiences a mentor, a mentee, and an observer of both. For more information see
Eric Liu recommends "All the King's Men," by Robert Penn Warren.
Originally Broadcast: February 15, 2005
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Juan Martinez
Shamanism in the Ecuadorian Jungle
Concepts of reality have many levels, some of which are gained by fasting and/or the use of certain plants that allow a person to view the past, present and/or the future. This is especially true for cultures that cherish and practice oral traditions and which thrive in parts of the world which have an abundance of flora and fauna, like those located in the Amazon basin of South America. The knowledge of the use and effects of these various plants in the Ecuadorian portion of the Amazon basin is held by persons known as Shamans. Dr. Juan Martinez, our guest in this edition of Radio Curious, is a professor of History and Anthropology at the University of Cuenca, in Cuenca, Ecuador. He has studied, written and lectured about the Shamanistic practices in the Ecuadorian jungle and the medicinal and spiritual effects of the plants native to the western portion of the Amazon basin. I spoke with Professor Juan Martinez in his office in Cuenca, Ecuador on November 17, 2005. He began our conversation by describing relationship of the people of Ecuadorian jungle to their worlds, the spiritual world, and the world in which they live on a daily basis.
Juan Martinez recommends "Amazon Worlds," published by Sinchi Sancha.
Originally Broadcast: December 5,2005
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Martha McCabe
Culture and Racism
Praise At Midnight
Life, culture and racism are the topics of this edition of Radio Curious, in conversation with attorney/novelist Martha McCabe, author of "Praise at Midnight." Martha McCabe worked as a civil rights and criminal trial lawyer in deep east Texas from 1974 to 1985. Her goal was to pour the raw material from her personal experiences as a lawyer into her story. The deeper level into which she fell during the ten year period it took her to complete “Praise at Midnight,” was the importance of consciousness and self awareness in avoiding the projection of one's own dark side on to other people and then killing them. She applies this to both local and international levels in her considerations. She and I have been associates, good friends and colleagues since 1969 when we met at the University of Santa Clara where I was a law student. When I spoke with Martha McCabe from her home in San Antonio, Texas on July 29, 2006, we began with her description of the culture of deep east Texas at the time she was living there, 1974 to 1985.
Martha McCabe recommends “Reading Lolita in Teheran” by Azar Nafisi and “Caballero: A Historical Novel” by Jovita Gonzalez and Eve Raleigh.
Originally Broadcast: August 2, 2006
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Patrick McGrath
Moving to America in 1774
Martha Peake
Imagine leaving home and travelling by yourself to a new land where you don’t know the customs or the politics, on a trip that will take weeks to complete in what would now be considered a very small ship, on turbulent waters. Imagine making this voyage, never to return to your homeland, when you are 15 years old, and pregnant. Soon after you arrive a war begins that changes the face of the country and set a new type of government in motion. Imagine researching this story and then writing it. That is the work of Patrick McGrath, the author of “Martha Peake,” a book about a plucky young woman who came to American in 1774. I spoke with Patrick McGrath by phone in 2001 to talk about “Martha Peake,” how he researched and prepared to write it, and what British students are taught about the American Revolution.
Patrick McGrath recommends “The First American,” by H.W. Brown.
Originally Broadcast: January 16, 2001
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Viagra: Is it for You?
The Viagra Myth: The Surprising Impact on Love and Relationships
Viagra, a drug with infinite name recognition and touted benefits, is, as we know, pervasively advertised on television and the Internet. But what is the truth and what is the fiction about this drug. These and other questions about increasing expectations of sexual performance and pleasure are answered by Dr. Abraham Morgantaler, an associate clinical professor at Harvard Medical School and the author of “The Viagra Myth: The Surprising Impact on Love and Relationships.”
Dr. Abraham Morgantaler recommends "Why I Can't Get Through To You," by Terrance Real.
Originally Broadcast: March 23, 2004
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Clarina Nichols portrayed by
Diane Eickhoff
The Revolutionary Heart of Clarina Nichols
Revolutionary Heart, The Life of Clarina Nichols and the Pioneering Crusade for Women's Rights
The life of Clarina Nichols and her work in the early women's rights movement of the United States has been greatly overlooked. As one of the country’s first female newspaper editors and stump speakers, Clarina Nichols spoke out for temperence, abolition and women's rights at a time when doing so could get a woman killed. Unlike other activists, she personally experienced some of the cruelest sufferings that a married woman of her day could know. In her pursuit for justice she traveled westward facing all of the challenges of being a single mother and a women's rights activist of her day with good humor and resourcefullness. Clarina Nichols was portrayed by Diane Eickhoff in this chautauquan style interveiw and we began when I asked Clarina about her childhood.
Clarina Nichols recommends "The Sexes Throughout Nature (Pioneers of the woman's movement)," by Antoinette Louisa Brown Blackwell.
Originally Broadcast: January 13, 2007
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Ed Rinehart
The Piano Player Tour: 2007 Report
Ed Reinhart is an old friend and a wonderful piano player. Almost five years ago Ed changed the direction of his life by setting out on an adventure to western Europe. He now lives in northern Italy in the summer months and in Virigina during the other times of the year. Ed has deep roots in Mendocino County and returns here often. I heard him play during his current visit to Ukiah and invited him to visit the studio of Radio Curious again and give us an update on his life and thought since we last spoke shortly before he left on his adventure.
Ed Rinehart recommends "A Fortune-Teller Told Me: Earthbound Travels in the Far East," by Tiziano Terzani.
Originally Broadcast: January 14, 2007
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Maggie Watson
Barry Vogel, Esq.
Make It Easier For Your Loved Ones When You Die
A Graceful Farewell: Putting Your Affairs in Order
Putting your affairs in order before you die is the topic of this edition Radio Curious. Our guest is Maggie Watson, a professional organizer who lives on the Mendocino Coast in northern California. She is the author of “A Graceful Farewell: Putting Your Affairs in Order,” a collection of ideas and forms that make it easy to list what you own and where everything is. In the course of our conversation Maggie Watson turned the microphones and began to ask me about estate planning, the documents which are useful for everyone to have and the differences between a will and a trust. In my day job I am an attorney in Ukiah, California and devote a portion of my practice to estate planning. Maggie Watson and I met in the studios of Radio Curious in early December 2006.
Maggie Watson recommends “Millionth Circle: How to Change Ourselves and the World – The Essential Guide to Women’s Circles,” by Jean Shinoda Bolend. Barry Vogel recommends “Jacobson’s Organ and The Remarkable Nature of Smell,” by Lyall Watson.
Originally Broadcast: December 6, 2006
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David Wexler, Ph.D.
Depression in Men
Is He Depressed or What? What to Do When the Man You Love is Irritable, Moody, and Withdrawn
Depression often sets off different behaviors, sometimes recognized by others and not by the depressed person. Depression in men is the topic of this edition of Radio Curious, as we talk with David B. Wexler, Ph.D, who is the author of “Is He Depressed or What? What to Do When the Man you Love is Irritable, Moody and Withdrawn.” Dr. Wexler, a clinical psychologist, discusses how to recognize when you or someone you love is depressed, how to talk about in respectful and successful ways, while taking care of yourself. When I spoke with Dr. Wexler from his home in San Diego, California, we began by discussing different categories of depression and how the symptoms of depression in men are different from depression in women.
David Wexler, Ph.D. recommends "Dharma Punx," by Noah Levine.
Originally Broadcast: March 14, 2006
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Peter C. Whybrow
The Conflict Between Our Biological Heritage and the Speed of Our Lives
American Mania, When More is Not Enough
Not so long ago before the common use of devices operated by electricity our lives were generally much more calm. And as humans we have a biological a heritage of being are curiosity driver, reward seeking and harm avoiding creatures. The conflict that has evolved between our biological heritage and the demand driven economy in the United States is the essence of a book entitled “American Mania, When More is Not Enough.” Dr. Peter C. Whybrow, author of “American Mania” is our guest on this edition of Radio Curious. He is a professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral science, and director of the Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California at Los Angeles. In this interview, recorded mid-February 2005, Dr. Whybrow discusses this conflict, and its consequences.
Peter C. Whybrow recommends “In Praise of Slowness,” by Carl Honore.
Originally Broadcast: February 12, 2005
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